Surface Cleaner
For the big picture
Our surface cleaners with widths from 10 to 35 cm are suitable for cleaning, derusting and passivating large stainless steel surfaces such as tanks, silos or facades. Brand new is our surface cleaner for automatic electrolyte supply.
35cm-surface cleaner set
Electrochemical cleaning
for large surfaces
For efficient cleaning, the surface cleaner requires the highest possible energy output; it can therefore only be used together with our most powerful models. Welded seams should still be cleaned with the carbon fibre brush beforehand.
Surface cleaner, 10 cm wide
Item no.: EP-02-991
Surface cleaner, 20 cm wide
Item no.: EP-02-992
Set surface cleaner, 35 cm wide
with telescopic pole up to 180 cm
and 18l-bucket
Item no.: EP-02-913
The surface cleaner
for AutoFeed
The 10cm surface cleaner we now supply is equipped with 5m hose and cable for automatic electrolyte supply. After connecting it to our MagicBox your productivity will go through the roof while the electrolyte consumption is declining.
Surface cleaner, 10 cm wide
with automatic electrolyte supply
Item no.: EP-02-891
10cm surface cleaner
with 5m-hose package for
automatic electrolyte supply